Plateau BROKEN!

I have been stuck in the 180's for MONTHS!  The first day I saw a 180 number was April is AUGUST THIRTIETH and it's the FIRST time I've seen a number in the 170's!  That means it's been FOUR months of going up and down within the same 10 damn pounds. If you were following me back when I was SO close to getting under 200lbs, you might remember the ridiculousness of those 33 days…

Plateaus Still Happen and They Still Suck

Just a quick update to my PLATEAUS SUCK  post from a few months ago.  I am stuck again but that's not going to make me give up.  I am LIVING MY LIFE!  My life does not revolve around a number on the scale.  Even though I am less than 20lbs from my original goal weight I am not stressing about my weight in numbers.  Instead I am measuring my progress through my abilities. Since losing 100lbs I am…

Weight Loss Plateaus Happen…And They Suck

But they're not the end of the world and should NOT deter you from your goal!   If you follow me on Facebook you probably already know about the "guessing game" that's going on with my weight loss but if not:  I'm offering a prize to the person who guessed the correct date on which I FINALLY hit 199lbs.  I was at 203.6 when everyone placed their bets, that was January 10th.   The NEXT…

How I Lost Half My Body Weight

I lost half my body weight The simple answer that people want to hear is that I lost weight because I had gastric bypass surgery, but let me tell you right now that was only one piece of a very complicated puzzle. What ultimately led to my weight loss and successful maintenance was creating healthy habits: eating mostly plants, plenty of protein, sufficient amounts of starch to maintain…

Rule #11 Be Mindful

Be Mindful Mindfulness is the ability to acknowledge your thoughts and actions without judgement in an effort to improve. It's a powerful tool to have in your toolbox in all areas of life. Mindfulness is a component of spirituality that includes prayer and meditation, but mindfulness can also be used in a more "technical" way too. When it comes to living a happy, healthy…

Same Weight- Overwhelmed- Life!

Here is your weekly update! Same Weight... I didn't even take a new picture. Like I said last week, I was surprised by the amount of movement on the scale. Turns out, I was just off by a week! I still haven't gotten my period yet, but I expect it tomorrow. Because of this, I am not surprised by the lack of movement on the scale. :)  I have fluctuated between 182.8 and 183.8 for the past…

Thursday 7/16 Journal

I'm happy to report that not only did I survive eating a 10-months-past-its-due-date cheese stick yesterday, but I'm also down four  pounds since returning from my 10 day trip to West Virginia! (The two are unrelated.) I also had a really crappy workout today which stinks, but it was better than nothing and I'm SUPER excited about some projects I'm working on that I think you're going to LOVE!……

Limbo Schmimbo

Okay, so I know it's only been a week since I wrote this big long post about how I was okay with living in limbo. I know that I told you all about how I was working on focusing on things that didn't involve making progress in the box (CrossFit gym) while Brett and I are "trying to not try" to get pregnant. And I know that I told you that I'm just focusing on taking care of myself in other ways…

The Aftermath: A 20 Pound Weight Gain

Let's get straight to the point. Over the last couple of months I gained 19.8lbs. Yeah, pretty much 20 L.B.'s! I knew I was up about 15lbs a couple of weeks ago, just before the miscarriage, but when I stepped on the scale last Wednesday (seven days ago) and saw 188.8 on the scale and I was shocked! 188.8 is basically 20 pounds away from my comfortable weight of 169lbs-- the weight that I have…

Stop Saying This

I wrote a post on Facebook the other day that said, "Nine word you will never hear me say: If I can do it, you can do it!"  I didn't elaborate on it much, I just made the statement and left it at that.  Today, I'm elaborating because this is something that has bugged me for a long time and I feel compelled to share. This is my message to all of you (us) who have been successful in losing…